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Fig. 5 | Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology

Fig. 5

From: PIK3CA mutation in endometriotic epithelial cells promotes viperin-dependent inflammatory response to insulin

Fig. 5

Overexpression of Viperin is insufficient for DGE observed in insulin + PIK3CA H1047R. A, Western blot of 12Z cell expression of Viperin, phospho-AKT, AKT and β-Actin following Viperin OE and insulin treatment. Western blots are representative of n = 2 independent experiments. Uncropped images are available in Supplemental Fig. 2. B, Volcano plot of DGE in 12Z cells with Viperin OE vs. control, FDR < 0.001. Significant genes are labeled in red. RSAD2 -log(FDR) value is out of scale with the y-axis for visualization purposes. C, GOBP enrichment among genes upregulated following Viperin OE. D, GOBP enrichment among genes downregulated following Viperin OE. E, Correlation between fold-change values for overlapping genes among Viperin vs. Control and siRSAD2 vs. Control datasets (n = 45). RSAD2 expression was removed from the analysis. Red dashed line is line of best fit. Statistic is Pearson’s correlation. F, Volcano plot of DGE in 12Z cells treated with Viperin OE and Insulin vs. Viperin OE alone, FDR < 0.001. Significant genes are labeled in red. G, Euler diagram of overlapping DEG in Viperin + Insulin vs. Viperin and Insulin vs. Control (pCAG). Statistic is hypergeometric enrichment. H-I, GOBP enrichment among genes upregulated (H) or downregulated (I) in insulin-treated Viperin overexpressing cells. J, Number of DEG by insulin in each cell context. Datasets ranked by number of DEG

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